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    Business process optimization

    Regulation of business processes to achieve the most ambitious goals

    Regimentation of business processes may be useful if processes and their results generally satisfied employees, leaders and company owners.

    At the same time at the enterprise, problems of the following nature are identified:
    “Opacity” of the work system – lack of clearly defined work stages, as well as the results of these stages. As a result, it is difficult to control what, how and why is happening.
    Lack of fixed liability, availability of processes for which nobody is responsible. In addition there are such processes for which some employees are «responsible» together. It instigates conflict between them.
    The performed procedures are not fixed anywhere, or their description is too formal.

    It means:

    1)The result of the work depends on the specific employee (group of employees)

    2)Leader is forced several times to pronounce a solution of the same problem.

    3)The process of transferring experience to new employees upon their introduction to the post is difficult.

    4)Difficulties arise in the development, organization of similar companies (for example, a branch office in another region).

    The goal of business processes regimentation at enterprise is to formalize them and prepare a set of documents that regulates company sectors. Basis of the regulations is owners’ and leaders’ ideas of the enterprise about business work, the opinions and experience of their best employees, as well as successful solutions in the field of management of other enterprises in the industry.

    Advantages of the project to formalize and business processes regimentation:

    • In the development of regulations, it becomes possible to re-evaluate the work of the entire enterprise, while in the process, owners, leaders and staff are involved in joint activities in order to increase the efficiency of the company and begin to better understand the goals of the whole company and their tasks

    • The regulation, prepared in writing, determines the most important aspects of enterprise activity, which excludes further daily explanation. Each employee studies the “Work Guide”, signs this and further bears full responsibility for the results of his work in accordance with its provisions

    • The process of hiring, training and adapting new employees becomes more efficient, as a newcomer has the opportunity to immediately get acquainted with work organization of the entire department and its role there. It saves time for both the leader and the newcomer, eliminating any misunderstanding by the employee of his duties

    • When preparing regulations, each of the operations is usually divided into separate execution steps. The regulations may contain standards, instructions, manuals, step-by-step descriptions of actions and other documents that contribute to the quality implementation of business process operations

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