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    Comprehensive Protection Against Raiders and Hostile Acquisitions

    With us your company is under reliable protection

    A hostile acquisition is a situation when a related party establishes absolute control over financial and operating activities or assets of a company. The main objective pursued by the vast majority of hostile acquisitions is withdrawal of company’s assets.

    It is better to protect yourself against a hostile acquisition, or effectively resist this process, with assistance from experienced professionals. Expert support will significantly improve your prospects for success.

    Most common methods of hostile acquisitions:

    • consolidation (or buyup) of small blocks of shares;

    • intended bankruptcy;

    • deliberate reduction of company value and acquisition of its assets;

    • contestation over the ownership of strategic assets, such as engineering and manufacturing facilities, rights of subsurface use, etc.;

    • introduction of managers controlled by related parties into a company.
    FINCOM group is engaged in professional development of measures minimizing the risks of financial and pecuniary losses caused by actions of hostile companies.

    Our experience in corporate raids and hostile acquisitions cases shows that separate measures are not as efficient as duly developed comprehensive plan for strategic and tactical protection. FINCOM group experts build their system of company protection against corporate raids and hostile acquisitions upon comprehensive use of diverse methods, which considerably increases its efficiency.

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