Russia: 8-800-500-13-18
Israel: +972-54-491-1983
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    Legal services for investors

    We provide legal support to the investor when entering the Russian market

    FINCOM group is a group of companies with considerable practical experience in legal assistance in business projects of any complexity, including investment projects. The company brought together experts with specialized expertise and extensive links for integrated support of both foreign business in Russian Federation and Russian entrepreneurs in Russia and abroad.

    We know how to provide legal assistance for investments in any form of the Russian market entry, whether registration of companies, establishment of a common enterprise or M&A transactions. For a successful business, we offer legal support to minimize legal risks.
    In this area, the following services are provided:

    • region of investment identification
    • administrative abilities and business climate assessment
    • project preliminary planning
    • organization of negotiations with the authorities on provision of benefits and support in them
    • contract drafting and approval
    • consultations on taxation issues of Russian and foreign companies in Russia
    • legal support of Russian business abroad

    Comprehensive experience working with leaders of the Russian market, the presence of offices in Saratov, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Israel and the USA, as well as established communication with foreign consulting firms are the special advantages of our company. The lawyers of the FINCOM group together with foreign partners provide services on the most difficult issues of creating a business and its support abroad:

    • support for Russian and foreign investors
    • minimization of possible tax risks
    • consulting on changing of legislation in the field of deoffshorization
    • protection of the interests of controlled foreign companies (CFC)
    • development of a set of measures necessary for the client to comply with transfer pricing laws
    • ongoing consulting during tax audits
    • representation of clients’ interests during the preparation and consideration of appeals to tax audit reports
    • legal defense of taxation interests of foreign companies
    • selection of an optimal jurisdiction
    • asset (real estate, securities, etc.) purchases abroad
    • analyzing of tax aspects of foreign trade operations
    • payment of VAT
    • implementation of the provisions of international agreements on the non-application of double taxation to the income of Russian companies

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