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    Tax disputes

    Represent your interests in any tax dispute

    Despite the stable aspiration of the tax authorities to reduce the number of conflicts, they still remain one of the most common and complex categories of cases in judicial practice. Obviously, the measures taken by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (the formation of a unified system for applying the law, accounting for court decisions in conducting inspections, improving tax administration of taxpayers) are not enough to reduce the number of individuals and legal entities going to court with claims under tax law.

    The reason for such disputes is also the constant development of tax legislation, which creates ambiguity, uncertainty and the contradiction of norms to each other. In addition, often the purpose of tax authorities is to levy taxes, rather than an objective audit of the taxpayer.

    FINCOM Group provides comprehensive pre-trial support to taxpayers (legal examination of actions and decisions of tax authorities, accompaniment of desk and field tax audits, preparation of objections to acts, complaints about decisions based on the results of tax audits) and also
    represents clients in all courts in resolving disputes:

    • about the illegality of regulatory legal acts in the field of taxes and fees.
    • about the illegality of non-regulatory legal acts of tax authorities and the actions (inaction) of
      officials (including refusal of VAT refund).
    • regarding the collection of obligatory payments and sanctions (including collection at the expense
      of money in the accounts of the taxpayer in banks).
    • about the return from the budget of funds excessively recovered by tax authorities or excessively
      paid by taxpayers.
    • on compensation for losses caused by unlawful decisions of tax authorities or unlawful actions
      (inaction) of their officials

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