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    TOSER residency (The territory of the special economic and social development)

    We help to obtain the status of a resident of the territory of priority social and economic development

    Advanced development territory in Russian Federation (TASED) – an economic zone with preferential tax treatment, simplified administrative procedures and other privileges created to attract investment, accelerate economic development and improve the lives of the population. Activities at TASED are regulated by Federal Law dated December 29, 2014 No. 473-ФЗ “On Advanced development territories in Russian Federation”.

    The status of a TASED resident provides a number of advantages:

    – Reduced insurance fees – 7.6% upon obtaining resident status for 10 year
    – Income tax after receiving the first income from 0% to 5%, the next 5 years – from 10%
    – Land lot 0% for 3 years
    – In accordance with the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation, exemption or reduction of property tax rates
    – The MET reduction coefficient (0 – 0.8) for 10 years, then coefficient 1 is applied
    – The construction of infrastructure
    – Decrease in terms of carrying out planned inspections (no more than 15 working days)
    – Inspections by control and supervisory authorities only with the agreement of the Russian Ministry of Eastern Development
    – Duty-free and tax-free import, storage, consumption (use) of foreign goods inside the TASED, re-export of goods
    – Preferential rental rates for residents: coefficient 0.4% of the base rate
    – Expedited VAT refund procedure within 15 calendar days
    – 0% VAT on imports for processing
    – For capital construction projects, the term for the environmental audit of the project documentation is no longer than 45 days
    – Obtaining permits for capital construction (no longer than 40 days)
    – The provision of public services by the management company in the TASED

    Accordingly, the resident devote less time to administrative procedures, and also his tax burden is reduced.

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