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    Изменения в законодательстве с 1 февраля 2020 года
    Changes in legislation from February 2020

    In message to the Federal Assembly, Russian President offered to pay the parent capital already for 1 child, to increase...

    Налог на имущество с 2020 года. Новые формулировки и кадастровая стоимость.
    Property tax since 2020. New wording and cadastral value.

    Since 2020, there will be substantial changes in the law on property tax. Positive developments are: — Elimination of the...

    С 1 октября изменились правила планирования закупок
    Since the 1st of October, the rules of planning procurement have changed

    On October 1, 2019, the norms of the Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FL “On Contract systems in the...

    ФНС России опубликовала обзор судебных решений по вопросам трансфертного ценообразования
    Federal Tax Service of Russia published a overview of decisions of arbitration courts on transfer pricing

    The Federal Tax Service of Russia sent an overview of court decisions on transfer pricing to lower authorities for use....

    Напоминание IRS: освобождение от налогов в ситуациях стихийных бедствий
    IRS reminder: Tax Relief in Disaster Situations

    The IRS extended deadlines that apply to filing returns, paying taxes, and performing certain other time-sensitive acts for certain taxpayers...

    Отчет иностранного банка и финансовых счетов (FBAR)
    Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)

    In today’s growing, global economy, it is fairly common for U.S. taxpayers to have a financial account (banking, pension, investment,...

    Налоговое Управление США (IRS): Налоговые мошенничества продолжаются круглый год
    IRS reminder: Tax scams continue year-round

    The IRS is seeing signs of two new variations of tax-related scams. One involves Social Security numbers related to tax...

    Налоговое Управление США (IRS) начало рассылать предупреждающие письма владельцам криптовалют
    IRS has begun sending letters to virtual currency owners advising them to pay back taxes, file amended returns; part of agency's larger efforts

    WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service has begun sending “educational” letters to taxpayers with virtual currency transactions that potentially failed...

    Changes in legislation from February 2020
    The validity period of a surety

    The Judicial College on economic disputes of the Supreme Court considered the claim of the creditor against the surety. The...

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