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    Changes in legislation from February 2020

    Changes in legislation from February 2020

    In message to the Federal Assembly, Russian President offered to pay the parent capital already for 1 child, to increase the living wage to the minimum wage and introduce a monthly allowance to children from 3 to 7 years. Russians expect other innovations, are presented below.

    In connection with the transition to electronic employment record book  introduced new reporting forms for employers: SZV-TD and STD-R. Until February 17, you must submit information in the form of SZV-TD in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation information about all employed and dismissed employees, as well as those who have been personnel changes. Further such information in the prescribed form should be submitted till 15th of every month. Form STD-R, developed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection will be required to provide to the employee upon the request of the employee, or dismissal. The employee will have the right to choose how to obtain information. Paper STD-R must be signed by the head or authorized person and company seal, if available, and electronic – enhanced qualified electronic signature of the authorized person.

    February 1, 2020 will be indexed tariffs of the Platon Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) for trucks. The change envisaged by the government of the Russian Federation from June 29, 2019 No. 843. According to this Decree, price changes associated with changes in the consumer price index from 15 November 2015, taking into account already published statistical data from Federal State Statistic Service for the period, the size of the Board from February 1, 2020 will amount to 2.20 rubles per kilometer travelled on the specified road.

    February 6, 2020 the transport across the boundary of the Eurasian economic Union the amount equivalent to 100 thousand U.S. dollars in cash are required to specify their origin. This provision was enshrined on August 6 the Decision of the Board Eurasian economic Commission of 06.08.2019 No. 130 and shall come into force after 180 days from the date of publication. In this solution indicates that the equivalent amount should be more than 100 thousand dollars at the exchange rate prevailing on the day of submission to the customs authority passenger customs Declaration.

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