Russia: 8-800-500-13-18
Israel: +972-54-491-1983
USA: +1-786-450-1706

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    Masterfully solve business problems

    Comprehensive business support

    We are an international team of cross-border professionals working closely with local and external partners to provide a comprehensive range of business solutions to both companies and individuals. By using a multi-disciplinary approach to business development, we help clients from USA, Russia and Israel make best strategic decisions covering a wide range of issues under one roof. We work with clients in various stages of business life cycle, from starting up a business and creating strategies for successful performance to ensuring compliance with legal and tax requirements in the US and abroad.

    We provide international clients with a unique cost-effective all-in-one solution by offering its centralized legal, accounting, business analysis and marketing capabilities. Try the simple way to do your business in US by letting us professionally manage your legal and financial needs all under one roof.Contact us to discuss your specific needs and start creating a strategy that is customized to you and your business in USA.

    Anna Kroviakova
    Managing partner
    Roman Perepletov
    Managing partner
    Customer feedback
    Alexander Naslednikov
    LLC FINCOM group is our partner since 2014. Over five years of partnership, company proved it can hold a qualified, professional dialogue and solve the wide range of issues. We express our gratitude to the companys employees for the comprehensive support of our business. We recommend FINCOM group as a reliable business partner.
    Nikolay Terterov
    Partnership with FINCOM group leaves the most pleasant impression. Competent, responsive specialists. High efficiency in performing requests and providing actual information. We express our gratitude to the company for the skillfully completed work and looking forward to further effective partnership.
    Alexander Belov
    We have been cooperating with FINCOM group since 2016, it is a competent and responsible partner. The company has demonstrated high professionalism, determination, good organization and teamwork. Particularly worth noting is the ability of company employees to meet customer needs, to offer the best solutions to tasks. We recommend FINCOM group as a reliable partner.
    Alena Dyadchenko
    From the moment of founding our company we work with FINCOM group which, provides a full range of consulting services: accounting and legal service, HR management. During this time, you have proved to be a reliable, experienced partner, who stands for the well-being of your customers. We would like to express our gratitude for competent consultations before starting business, efficiency of company registration and successful accounting. The firm's lawyers pay great attention to the client's wishes, they demonstrate high professionalism, dedication and efficiency in fulfilling requests. Their proposed legal solutions are always relevant and take into account the specifics of our company. We wish you to continue to keep up with the times, as well as success in the development of new spaces, new technologies, greater growth and further successful development. I am sure that you will be able to reach great heights in your work!

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