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    Executory process

    With us, any court decision will be executed as soon as possible

    FINCOM group provides services in support for executory processes at any stage to private individuals and legal entities.

    Our employees will assist you in getting an enforcement order and further execution of the court ruling. We can either present the enforcement order to credit institutions and control its execution, or cooperate with authorities executing court rulings and other enforcement documents by law.

    Our services in support for executory processes:

    • counselling on execution of court rulings;

    • carrying out negotiations on volunteer enforcement of court rulings;

    • getting an enforcement order (or a duplicate of an enforcement order) and presenting it to the Court Bailiffs Service;

    • addressing an enforcement order to the debtor’s bank to recover the receivables incontestably, or to the Court Bailiffs Service for compulsory execution of court ruling from the debtors’ estate;

    • preparation of documents for suspension or extension of the deadline, as well as for changing ways and procedures of court ruling execution;

    • representation in court hearings on suspension or extension of the deadline, as well as on changing ways and procedures of court ruling execution;

    • assessment of prospects of an executory process, retrieval of information on a debtor in open sources;

    • developing a plan of enforcement procedures: supervision of an arrest, evaluation, accounting and realization of property arrested and recovered from a debtor;

    • control of legitimacy and assessment of actions of bailiffs, and appeal of their actions and omissions if necessary;

    • supervision over the execution of an enforcement document including familiarization with materials of the executory process;

    • carrying out efficient actions to trace the debtor’s property.

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