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    Criminal Prosecution

    We will protect your interests in criminal proceedings

    We ensure respect for our clients’ interests in criminal proceedings and in cases when criminal law is applied.

    FINCOM group provides individuals and legal entities with advice in the course of investigation, operational measures and other activities carried out by law enforcement agencies. Our range of services includes initial assessment of the risks of criminal prosecution and development of a legal stance, as well as support for the case at all stages of criminal prosecution and in courts at all levels.

    FINCOM group services in criminal defense:

    • assessment of prospects for opening a criminal case, and chances of criminal prosecution;

    • identification of criminal risks of entrepreneurial undertakings;

    • protection and representation of individuals and legal entities during pre-trial investigation, including familiarization with the case materials, developing the position in defense, gathering and introducing evidence, assistance in applying a measure of restraint, repeal of restraint or changing the measure of restraint to a milder one, etc.;

    • advice on criminal and criminal procedure law (both written and oral);

    • protection from criminal prosecution in cases of economic crime;

    • representation of clients suffering from unlawful actions in the course of investigation by law enforcement authorities;

    • tracing and recovery of assets lost due to criminal actions of third parties;

    • recovery of assets seized during criminal prosecution;

    • restraining abuse of rights of individuals and legal entities by law enforcement officials;

    • seeking compensation from convicted persons for damages caused by unlawful actions.

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