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    Organization and Comprehensive Support For Bidding in Bankruptcy Proceedings

    We will conduct bidding in the shortest possible time and as profitable as possible for you

    Tendering is a critical stage of the bankruptcy procedure, which, at the same time, has its own challenges and pitfalls. Errors committed by the organizers of the auction, as well as intentional acts of third parties often lead to the infringement of the interests of their members. Sometimes participants lose their benefits due to ignorance of certain subtleties of this procedure. In the course of tendering may need to be pairing the liquidator insolvency assessment, suspension of trading, the invalidation of contracts. By itself, the organization this procedure is a complex and laborious task.

    The participation of experienced specialists in the auction for bankruptcy allows you to hold them as beneficial to identify the most suitable participants and to significantly reduce the time spent on design and documentation through the use of proven software products.

    We will be glad to represent Your interests in the bidding processes in cases of bankruptcy and to take charge of legal support of the procedures in the complex. The company FINCOM group is an Association of experienced lawyers who competently carry out all the procedures to the nature of Your business, evaluate the property and develop all the necessary documentation.

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